Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eating Better

I've made a choice. I'm going to be strict on my grocery budget from here on out and eat exclusively natural foods (organic, non-GM foods, etc) whenever possible. We live in a dirty society. We may have adequate personal hygiene but our country is filthy. We spray pesticides on everything, inject growth hormones into our livestock, pump pollution into air and so on. We don't even know how to neutralize a lot of the chemicals we're producing. All of those toxins are absorbed by our food and then transferred to our babies through breast milk. Awesome, right?

A WWF study found 350 synthetic chemicals in breast milk including PCBs and alkylphenols (which mess with hormone production in even minuscule amounts). An Italian study showed that 88% of newborns have plasticizers in their bodies. One study found that breast milk from a mother with a conventional diet contains higher levels of dioxins than those permitted in pasteurized cow's milk. We don't know what we're doing to our bodies because nobody studies it. You can debate the ethics of purposefully infecting individuals with toxins that we all already infect ourselves with until you're blue in the face. It's ethical because we're all affected anyway or it's unethical because you can't purposefully infect someone with a known toxin. The only right answer in my opinion is to get rid of the chemicals! But since nobody elected me ruler of the universe I'll just try to be conscious and aware of what I'm eating and by proxy what I'm feeding LO.

I don't have piles and piles of money to build a nice EF house and wear only organic clothing that is easily sustainable but I'm trying. I'm doing what I can.

For those of you who don't have the time, energy, or access to natural foods to feed baby I suggest you check out Earth's Best baby food. They are made with organic ingredients, non-GM foods, and don't have additives. Plus, they're delicious.

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