Saturday, August 28, 2010

Schedule: Day 4

We've got the nighttime thing down. Food, bath, diaper and PJ's, bottle, bed. He usually goes down relatively easily. At worst he stays up an extra 10-15 minutes then we repeat bottle, bed and he's out. I definitely think the routine is doing him good. He's starting to grasp the concept of going to sleep after eating and bathing. On a side note, the little bugger ate 4 oz of milk and 2 oz of solids tonight. Wow!

Naps aren't going quite as well. I think I need to spend more time paying attention to his natural schedule before I can try to get him to nap at the same time everyday. I'm going to do that next week then revise my scheduling aspirations. I also switched his first meal to right after he wakes up as opposed to before his nap. Naps are still too inconsistent to make that a plausible option.

* For the record I always give Baby T a bottle around 30-45 minutes before I give him solids. Solids supplement his breast milk diet. He's still far too young for solids to replace a meal. His bed time bottle is mostly a comfort thing now.

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