Thursday, August 19, 2010


I don't know what has been up with Baby T but he's been a terror the past few weeks. Some days he would cry for hours. and hours. and hours...

I think we've finally got it all figured out. He needs to poop more. I think he's scared of pooping or something. You wouldn't even believe how often I try to rationalize with him and convince him to poop. Since he won't poop on his own I'm helping things along. He gets a teensy bit of pear juice and probiotics every day. I know, I know. I'm sure you've heard me rant "I'm not going to feed him anything but breast milk until 6 months. Hell, if you keep bugging me about it I won't do it until he's a year! Don't you dare feed my baby a pickle!*"

But you can't be too set with anything if you have a baby. They almost always require that you change your plans for them. What we're doing seems to be working pretty well. We started it a few days ago and he has very happily pooped 3 times today (and it's only 5:00pm). He had been going several days and then being very, very upset when it finally decided to all come out.

So there you have it. An entire post about poop. Hah!

* Inside joke...

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