Friday, September 3, 2010

If you could...

go back to before you had your first child and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?

Here are some of my favorite responses from friends:

You are stronger than you think.

Having postpartum depression is not shameful. Ask for help!

You are about to become the woman you never knew you could be.

Your instincts are your best tool.

Drink the castor oil.

Never say never.

Sometimes things get worse before they get better but they do get better.

Take more pictures.

It's not as hard as some people make it out to be.

It's harder than some people say it is.

Stop planning for everything because it's all out the window.

You'll get through it.

You will make mistakes. She will love you anyway.

Relax and enjoy the ride.

Your life is about to change in ways you never thought possible.

Relax and enjoy the ride.

Giving birth is the easy part.

You will love your husband more than you ever thought possible when you see him holding your baby in his arms.

You will love her so much that it hurts.

It's okay to need a break.

You will abandon all dignity if it means getting a tiny smile out of your child. And it will be worth every second.

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