Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jumpy McJumperson

Today I hauled Baby T down to Once Upon A Child (a store that sells used baby stuff) to sell his swing and get something different. The swing was never a big hit. Lately he's been using the tray to pull himself up into a sitting position. He's also been kicking said tray until it flies open (then crying because it hurt his foot / leg to kick plastic that hard). It was an accident waiting to happen. Maybe it would be good for a parent with a less spaztic kid or one who likes movement in general.

I got a jumper to replace the swing. It is awesome! He loves it. Unlike the swing he will stay in it for longer than 5 minutes and I don't have to worry about him hurting himself. He's surprisingly tall enough to reach the ground in it. He adores being able to stand up. He has just recently discovered that some of his toys make noise as a result of him hitting them...

Oh and did I mention that he can stand up while holding onto a couch / chair / whatever? Crazy.

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