Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Controversial Parenting (my specialty) and my response to the crib recall epidemic

I've been continually surprised at how confident I am with my parenting choices for Baby T, especially considering the fact that I've made some decisions that are far from mainstream (baby led weaning, delayed vaccinations, family bed, attachment parenting, etc). I acknowledge that just because something isn't common does not mean that it is unsafe. It helps that I have the best doctor ever who is supportive of my decisions. I think I'd be a lot more neurotic if it weren't for him.

And now, for what is quite possible my most controversial decision yet... I've decided to transition Baby T to the Montessori bed. While I like the family bed I don't think it's a good fit for C. Plus, two adults (one of whom likes to spread out and take over the entire bed - uh, sorry about that), one infant, and at least one cat is a lot to have in one queen size bed.

We've been trying to transition Baby T into his crib but he just does not seem fond of it. Occasionally he sleeps fine in there but most of the time he hates it. He'll scream before you even fully put him down. He is, however, quite fond of my bed and the twin in the nursery. More importantly, Baby T's crib is among those that have been recently recalled. So it's the perfect opportunity to try out the Montessori bed. It'll take some hardcore baby proofing in the next couple of months but that's okay.

I'm sure you're thinking I've lost my marbles and hey, maybe I have. It wouldn't be the first time and I'm sure it wouldn't be the last time. If it makes you feel better, I'm sending out for the kit to fix our crib. It will take several weeks to a couple of months to arrive. We'll keep the crib around until we know if the Montessori bed is going to work out after Baby T gets mobile.

Here's an amazing article about Montessori beds by Christie Stanford.

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