Monday, June 14, 2010

Sick Baby

Baby T has been a little under the weather for the last week. He checked out fine on Thursday but I knew something was wrong when he woke up yesterday morning wheezing with a very fast respiratory rate. Luckily my doctors office has someone working all weekend so I took him in. They thought it was RSV - Respiratory syncytial virus (a viral infection of the lungs) so they admitted Baby T to the hospital last night. He's been on oxygen and got a couple breathing treatments. The RSV test came back negative. It's probably a random viral infection. They weaned him off the oxygen so he's on room air now. We're just waiting for our doctor to swing by and let us know what the plan is.

In other news, this is the first time I've been 100% alone with Baby T as C is out of town for work. Nice timing, right? I stayed at the hospital last night in what can possibly be considered the most uncomfortable reclining chair bed thing ever. At least I get fed while I'm here (since I'm breastfeeding Baby T).

Baby T in his stylish hospital gown.

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