Thursday, September 23, 2010

It makes me sick.

The breast vs formula debate makes me sick.

If you know me you know how hard it has been for me to breast feed. I suffered through mastitis, clogged ducts, thrush, a baby who couldn't latch, open sores on my nipples, and so much more. I did it because it is what I wanted, almost needed. So I suffered through. I'm not going to lie. I thought about quitting multiple times a day. There were days I think I cried more than my baby because I couldn't breastfeed. Breastfeeding almost gave me postpartum depression.

But I still cringe every single time I hear the phrase "Breast is best". Best for who? That's a hurtful, ignorant statement. Do you know how hard it is to try to feed your newborn 12 hours a day while your breast are engorged, painful to the touch, and you feel like you are going to die from the flu? Because a new mom with mastitis does. Do you know what it's like to try to find a balanced diet when you can't eat soy or dairy? What about the feeling of letting your child down if you accidentally ingest dairy and your baby screams in pain for hours because her body can't tolerate milk protein? How about the feeling of failure if you try everything you can but you just can't produce enough milk?

Do you know how it feels?

Then I'm politely asking you to shut the fuck up. If you don't know how it feels then you can't say that breast is best.

I'm all for breastfeeding. It has so many wonderful benefits. I'm glad I stuck with it. I plan on breastfeeding for another year. But just because it is right for me does not mean it is the best thing for everyone.

As mothers I think we should support one another. We should be there for each other when one of us is having problems breast feeding and we should be there for each other when we're panicking because our baby's formula has been recalled and we're worried they're going to get sick.

This isn't about YOU. It's about our children. And our children will be okay whether we feed them breast milk or formula.

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